Sagesse Africaine Приложения

Proverbes en mooré vol. 1 2.0
Sagesse Africaine
These proverbs 40 in Moore, language spoken in Burkina Faso.
Proverbes dioula avec audio 3.0
Sagesse Africaine
That's 29 proverbs in Dioula (translated into French) to read andlisten
Proverbes en mooré vol. 2 3.0
Sagesse Africaine
A sample of the wisdom of Moogo as 40 proverbs, volume 2
Dioula facile Tome I 2.0
Sagesse Africaine
Dioula Easy is a dioula self learning app with audio files.
Busa or Bisa with English 3.0
Sagesse Africaine
The Word of God translated int Busa also called Bisa language ofNigeria
Proverbes en mooré 2.0
Sagesse Africaine
This application offers you 912 proverbs in mooré
Proverbes en mooré vol. 3 2.0
Sagesse Africaine
Grain of the wisdom of Moogo as 40 proverbs in Moore, Volume 3
Fulfulde proverbes 2.0
Sagesse Africaine
These 1495 proverbs crystallize, so to speak, wisdom from aFulfulde people.
Fulfulde contes 37 2.0
Sagesse Africaine
Peul / fulfulde wisdom under 37 tales
Sagesse Africaine
Genesis and other books of the Bible translated into Kheso orKomono language
Siamou avec Français English 2.0
Sagesse Africaine
Portions of the word of God translated into the Siamou language.
Shanga with English 3.0
Sagesse Africaine
The Word of God translated into the Shang language of NIgeria.
Contes mooré avec audio vol. 2 4.0
Sagesse Africaine
This app offers eighteen tales in Moore, Burkina Faso
Proverbes Tamajeq avec audio 2.0
Sagesse Africaine
Here are 41 proverbs in Tamajeq language in the Tawallammat dialect(Niger).
Kyanga with English 3.0
Sagesse Africaine
Kyanga Bible portions. Kyanga is spoken in the western part ofNigeria
Boko Bible 2.0
Sagesse Africaine
The Word of God translated into language boko (or boo), spoken innorthern Benin.
Dioula cinq contes 2.0
Sagesse Africaine
Five tales Dioula and translated into French with Audio for bothlanguages.
Fulfulde contes 36 2.0
Sagesse Africaine
Peul / fulfulde wisdom presented through 36 stories. Burkina Faso
Contes kassem français vol. 1 2.0
Sagesse Africaine
App with 24 traditional tales in Kassem translated or paraphrasedin French
Contes mooré avec audio vol.1 3.0
Sagesse Africaine
Collection of 12 tales in Moore. African wisdom in the form oftales.
Nanerigé séno fra Eng Arab Jul 2.0
Sagesse Africaine
The Word of God in a nanarigued language also called senoufo
Proverbes ninkare français 3.0
Sagesse Africaine
206 Proverbs in Ninkare explained in French (Nankana, Frafra orGʋrenne)
Proverbes kasem 2.0
Sagesse Africaine
Here are 700 proverbs kasem (kassem) that crystallize the wisdomkassena.
Fulfulde bakure Fran Engl Arab 4.0
Sagesse Africaine
The Word of God in Fulani Fulani Borgu bakure or spoken in northernBenin.
Proverbes en mooré vol. 5 2.0
Sagesse Africaine
Here is the wisdom of Moogo with the 40 proverbs to read andlisten.
Proverbes en mooré vol. 6 2.0
Sagesse Africaine
Here are some more wisdom Moogo with the 40 proverbs to read andlisten.
Fulfulde proverbes audio vol5 2.0
Sagesse Africaine
Fulani wisdom in the form of proverbs with audio for reading andlistening.
Havu 3.0
Sagesse Africaine
This application presents the Gospel according to Luke translatedinto the Havu language
Fulfulde contes avec audio 4 1.0
Sagesse Africaine
12 stories read in the Fulfulde language (also called Fulani) fromBurkina Faso.
Fulfulde proverbes audio vol.4 1.0
Sagesse Africaine
Proverbs in the Fulfulde language of Burkina Faso, written and forlistening
Fulfulde contes avec audio 5 1.0
Sagesse Africaine
Fulani wisdom wrapped up in ten tales with audio
Proverbes en mooré vol. 8 1.0
Sagesse Africaine
Here is the wisdom of Moogo with the 42 proverbs to read andlisten.
Lobiri NT et français English 3.0
Sagesse Africaine
The Word of God translated into Lobiri, Catholic version
Proverbes en tamajeq audio vol 2 1.0
Sagesse Africaine
Ces 95 proverbes en langue Tamajeq dans le dialect deTawallammat(Niger) sont classés selon les thèmes qu'ils abordent.Ils révèlentla conception de la vie touarègue, ses idées et sesvaleurs etreflètent ainsi la richesse de la sagesse de la cultureTamajeq.Ces proverbes montrent comment une personne tamajeq voitetcomprend le monde et comment il faut se comporter vis-à-visdesdéfis de la vie quotidienne. Ils livrent des enseignements,desinstructions, des avertissements et des règles de vie.Ilsconstituent ainsi un guide pour savoir vivre. Danscetteapplication, le proverbe proprement dit est écrit en tamajeq,puisrépété 3x en audio, puis écrit en Français. Nous aimerions quelesgens en plus de l'écoute du proverbe, l'apprennent aussi parcoeur.Ceci surtout pour la jeune génération, qui ne se rend souventpascompte de la sagesse de leurs anciens. Le but de cetteapplicationest de contribuer à la connaissance de la cultureTamajeq, toutd'abord en visant le peuple tamajeq lui-même, ensuitetoutepersonne qui s'y intéresse. Nous espérons que les Tamajeqvontprendre plus de goût à lire dans leur langue. Nous ne donnonsnid'explication, ni d'interprétation à ces proverbes. Nouslaissonsle soin aux récepteurs d'apprécier ces proverbes à leurjustevaleur et de les adapter à leur contexte. Nous remercionsbeaucoupnos amis, M Christian Grandouiller et M MahmoudouneMohamadou,ainsi que toute personne ayant collaboré à ce grand etprécieuxtravail de cette collection de proverbes. Il est à noterque lesimages qui accompagnent les proverbes ont pour but ladécoration ;ils n'ont pas forcément un lien direct avec le proverbequ'ellesillustrent. English These 95 Tamajeq proverbs in theTawallammatdialect (Niger) are classified according to the themestheyaddress. They reveal the worldview of Tuareg life, its ideasandvalues and thus reflect the richness of the wisdom ofTamajeqculture. These proverbs show how a Tamajeq person seesandunderstands the world and how one has to behave towardsthechallenges of daily life. They deliver teachings,instructions,warnings and rules. Thus, they constitute a guide forlife. In thisapplication, the proverb itself is written in Tamajeq,thenrepeated three times in audio and finally written in French.Wewould like the people to not only hear their proverbs butlearnthem. This is especially true of the younger generation.Thepurpose of this application is to contribute to the knowledgeofTamajeq culture, firstly by targeting the Tamajeqpeoplethemselves, and then anyone who is interested in it. We hopethatthe Tamajeq will take more pleasure in reading in theirownlanguage. We give neither an explanation nor an interpretationofthese proverbs. We leave it to the people to appreciate theirvalueand apply them in context. We thank our friends, MChristianGrandouiller and M Mahmoudoune Mohamadou, as well asanyone whohelped with this great and precious work of collectingtheseproverbs. It should be noted that the images accompanyingtheproverbs are for decorating purposes only; they do notnecessarilylink to the proverb they illustrate.
Kinyanga avec audio 2.0
Sagesse Africaine
The Word of God translated into Kinyanga language.
Kheso Ruth 1.0
Sagesse Africaine
This app contains the story of Ruth translated into language orKheso Komono.
Biali NT avec français English 2.0
Sagesse Africaine
The Word of God translated into Biali language spoken in northernTogo.
Kasem dictionary 3.0
Sagesse Africaine
Kasem - English dictionary, Ghana, 4282 entries.
Bissa Français Anglais 2.0
Sagesse Africaine
The Word of God in the language spoken Bissa in Burkina Faso.
Waama Français English 3.0
Sagesse Africaine
The Word of God translated into Waama language spoken in northernBenin.
Lama NT avec français English 2.0
Sagesse Africaine
The New Testament translated into language that is spoken Lama innorthern Togo / Benin
Proverbes en mooré vol. 7 1.0
Sagesse Africaine
Here are some more wisdom Moogo with the 40 proverbs to read andlisten.
Bokobaru English Bible 2.0
Sagesse Africaine
The Bible translated into the Bokobaru language of western NigeriaKwara state
Teen Loron Bible et franc Engl 6.0
Sagesse Africaine
The word of God translated in Teen language, spoken in the north ofIvory Coast.
Jirel NT with English 2.0
Sagesse Africaine
The Word of God translated into the Jirel language spoken in Nepal.
Proverbes en mooré vol. 4 1.0
Sagesse Africaine
Here is the wisdom of Moogo with the 40 proverbs to read andlisten.
Kusaal - English Dictionary 3.0
Sagesse Africaine
Kusaal - English dictionary, Ghana
Kassem Bible français English 4.0
Sagesse Africaine
God also speaks Kassem, in southern Burkina Faso and northern Ghana
Tem Kotokoli franç Engl Arabe 2.0
Sagesse Africaine
The Gospel according to Matthew is translated into the Tem /Kotokoli language in Togo.
Kusaal proverbs 1.0
Sagesse Africaine
220 Kusaal proverbs translated into English and an indication ofthemeaning.